What's happening?


Book club 3: Policing Black Lives by Robyn Maynard


Hi MUC Bookworms, Join us for a group conversation about the book Policing Black Lives by Robyn Maynard. We want to learn what lessons and questions you took from the book, and make the solitary process of reading a bit more social! The underlying goal is to construct masculinity together to fit our needs and […]

Dungeons & Dragons with Masculinity: under construction – 2nd edition

To be announced

Join us to play a D&D game with a gender lens. Table top RPGs are fantastic tools for building empathy, and taking yourself out of your comfort zone in a safe way! We will play with a narrative that is sensitive to gender dynamics, and this narrative is written especially for this event by an […]

Movie night 1: A better man

L'Atelier d'innovation sociale 95 Clegg St, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Join Masculinity: under construction and The Atelier for our "first" movie night! Everyone is welcome to attend this event. We are going to watch the documentary "A better man", by Attiya Khan. See: https://abettermanfilm.com/ The documentary follows Attiya Khan, when she revisits the man she was in a relationship with, and who abused her. She […]

Workshop: Respectability Politics

L'Atelier d'innovation sociale 95 Clegg St, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

We listen to folks who “earned” our respect, determined by rules that favor specific people. 'These rules marginalize other folks, such as black live matter activists, indigenous land protectors, etc, and set us up to ignore their important messages and knowledge. In other words, this workshop is about a specific mechanism of power, how we […]

Dungeons & Dragons with Masculinity: under construction – 3rd edition

To be announced

Join us for the third adventure! Some important logistics: the game is open to folks who signed up for previous games first. The game will be opened up for new players Thursday March 12. New players should make themselves available for creating a character with Ian. Reserve your spot by communicating through PM with Ian. […]

Movie Night: High Noon


Chances are you'll be watching a movie this evening. Watch it with with us! At 7:30pm a netflix watch party link will be shared here. The movie will start playing at 8pm. We will all be watching the movie at the same time, and there's a chatbox to type some exclamations, sights and tears to […]

Workshop: Trans Identities Under Construction


Trans Identities Under Construction: a discussion about how trans identities are constructed and how we can develop solidarity There is a lot of talk about trans folks, and everyone seems to have opinions on the topic. Having those strong opinions can stop us from understanding other perspectives or wanting to learn more when we are […]

Pop-up Movie Night: A secret love


Chances are you'll be watching a movie this evening. Watch it with with us! The movie will start playing at 8pm, as a Netflix watch party. Participants need to have their own Netflix account. We will all be watching the movie at the same time, and there's a chatbox to type some exclamations, sights and […]

Book club 2: The body keeps the score by Bessel van der Kolk


Hi MUC Bookworms, Join us for a group conversation about the book Cracking the Armour: Power, Pain and the Lives of Men by Michael Kaufman. We want to learn what lessons and questions you took from the book, and make the solitary process of reading a bit more social! The underlying goal is to construct […]

Workshop: Accountability and friendship


What do you do when you learn that a friend of yours sexually assaulted or harassed someone? How can you know whether he really did harm? What can we do to avoid this from happening again? Participants: This will be a workshop for MUC members only. Participants are expected to bring questions, experiences, curiosity and […]

Book club 4: Caliban and the Witch by Silvia Federici


Hi MUC Bookworms, Join us for a group conversation about the book Caliban and the Witch by Silvia Federici. We want to learn what lessons and questions you took from the book, and make the solitary process of reading a bit more social! The underlying goal is to construct masculinity together to fit our needs […]

Our First Time Sex Stories


Context: Sex is an important part of life for many folks. Yet, we generally don't talk about it. This is especially the case when it comes to our very first time having sex. That is unfortunate because this silence increases shame and ignorance and takes away opportunities for support and learning. We hope that talking […]

Pop-up Movie Night


Chances are you'll be watching a movie this evening. Watch it from your own couch with with us! We will be watching 13th. A documentary film that explores the history of racial inequality in the United States, focusing on the fact that the nation's prisons are disproportionately filled with African-Americans. We will all be watching […]

3 week intro to Tai Chi


Why tai chi? Tai chi, like yoga, is a movement based meditative practice which, over time invites us to step inside our bodies, and to gradually become more aware of the sensations that arise from our emotions, our reactions, our insecurities, and our fears. Through practice, tai chi helps develop greater mental clarity, concentration, and […]

Brotherhood Brunch

Lieutanant's Pump 361 Elgin Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Fall blahs got you down? Or just in the mood for some good company on these chilly days? Join us for an informal, fun get-together over brunch Sunday at 11 AM at the Lieutenant's Pump (361 Elgin Street). No workshop, no learning objectives, no post-participation survey to fill out -- just us and brunch! Please […]

April M:UC Coffee Break

Many men look for more opportunities to meet and find companionship. Organizing meeting spaces is a great way to make that possible. Join the other guys of Masculinity: under construction for time together, a chat and possibly some caffeine, depending on your needs. If you don't know what to talk about, check our facebook page for a constant stream of engaging and challenging topics!


May M:UC Coffee Break

Many men look for more opportunities to meet and find companionship. Organizing meeting spaces is a great way to make that possible. Join the other guys of Masculinity: under construction for time together, a chat and possibly some caffeine, depending on your needs. If you don't know what to talk about, check our facebook page for a constant stream of engaging and challenging topics!


Peer Conversations 1: Man box

L'Atelier d'innovation sociale 95 Clegg St, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Do you think you could benefit from meeting other guys? We are here for sharing and listening, teaching and learning. This is a series of 6 meetings, to think about and discuss what it means to be a man. The topics of five of those meetings will be determined by participants (that is you). The […]

Book Club: The skin we’re in, by Desmond Cole

L'Atelier d'innovation sociale 95 Clegg St, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Hi MUC Bookworms, Join us for a group conversation about the book The skin we’re in by Desmond Cole. We want to learn what lessons and questions you took from the book, and make the solitary process of reading a bit more social! The underlying goal is to construct masculinity together to fit our needs […]

Peer Conversations 2: Emotions and working with our masculine bodies

L'Atelier d'innovation sociale 95 Clegg St, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

After our first meeting, where we did a man box, we are going to shift gears a bit. This session topic is requested by one of you, and will also facilitated by a peer participant. We are Masculinity: Under Construction. We are just a group of guys, supporting and challenging each other. We are all […]