We listen to folks who “earned” our respect, determined by rules that favor specific people. ‘These rules marginalize other folks, such as black live matter activists, indigenous land protectors, etc, and set us up to ignore their important messages and knowledge.
In other words, this workshop is about a specific mechanism of power, how we are all caught up in this mechanism in our day-to-day practices, what kinds of effects this has on oppressed folks, and how this influences our relationships and worldview. We will discuss loads of practical examples and get more down to earth, including examples that happened in our own MUC facebook discussions.
Join our workshop to explore how such rules work, why it is harmful to only listen to “respectable” folks, and how to address this.
This workshop will have a semi-open structure, where input of participants is highly appreciated, and this input will party guide our discussion.
The workshop is free, but contributions to the Atelier will be welcomed.
The workshop will be facilitated by Jan and Angus.
The workshop will take place at our new location in the Social Atelier! This place is fully accessible, please let us know if you have specific questions.
The workshop will be recorded, for accountability purposes. The recordings will be used for accountability purposes only, and distribution will only happen selectively, with permission of those recorded. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask through pm, email, or through the anonymous question form on our website.