Join us for the third adventure!
Some important logistics: the game is open to folks who signed up for previous games first. The game will be opened up for new players Thursday March 12. New players should make themselves available for creating a character with Ian.
Reserve your spot by communicating through PM with Ian. Also help us by indicating you are coming by reacting “going” to this event (unless you have objections, then don’t).
Join us for our third D&D game with a gender lens!
Table top RPGs are fantastic tools for building empathy, and taking yourself out of your comfort zone in a safe way!
We will play with a narrative that is sensitive to gender dynamics, and this narrative is written especially for this event by an experienced dungeon master (8 years).
The event is open for players of all levels, as our DM is accustomed to playing with new through veteran players. Bringing some snacks and drinks is encouraged (potluck style). There will be a 10lb dachshund, she is not hypoallergenic and it can take a few minutes for her to get used to strangers.
This event is a success and the DM is willing to make this a returning event!
Please note that there is a max of six players. Reserve your spot by emailing: Jan@masculinity.info
For more info and reservations: